success story
Every individual matters
Thanks to our special corporate culture, the NWI Group is a company with open ears and eyes. We recognize the achievements of our employees and listen when they have something to say.
Over 2,000 people – that also means over 2,000 unique careers. You can read about our big/small, motivating and special success stories here.

“Why NWI? That is easy to answer!”
Alin’s story
Inhouse Consultant
I came to NWI because I wanted to learn something new and felt that being able to work independently was a valuable part of my daily work. I learn something new every day because every day is different. How I organize it and what I focus on is up to me.
I started as a Junior Inhouse Consultant at NWI in April 2016. I had no previous experience in lean management. Instead I had a lot of will – as we put it – and enthusiasm for this topic. Through my previous work as an organizational consultant, I already had process experience and customer orientation.
I graduated from high school in 2019 and then started a dual study program at the Sparkasse. After three years of professional experience, I wanted a change of scenery. In order to be able to present all Lean topics at our subsidiaries, I completed a Lean Junior and Lean Expert Administrator training at the Lean Management Institute. In addition, I was familiarized with the CRM tool Salesforce and have been managing it independently for all NWI subsidiaries for more than six years now.
With the new organizational consultant structure as of April 2023, I am now responsible for the Lean and Process Management competence in the office area as well as CRM.
I look forward with my knowledge to continue working and supporting my colleagues to further NWI’s mission of achieving service excellence.

Working together as partners and collegiality is a priority at NWI
Louis-Philip’s story
Inhouse Consultant
In 2018, NWI Management GmbH gave me the opportunity to join our subsidiary TECKOS GmbH via a trainee program. This young organization based in the Black Forest was still in its infancy at the time and had no more than 10 employees at the Altensteig/Überberg site. My southern colleagues quickly and warmly accepted me as a northerner into their ranks, for which I am still grateful today. It was here that I got to know and love industry. Above all, however, I had the opportunity to develop and build organizational structures together in a team. Having already come into contact with lean management in theory during my studies, I finally had the opportunity to apply what I had learnt in practice. Gaining my own experience in this regard was valuable and instructive for me. Since then, I have focused even more on the topic of implementation.
At the end of the trainee program, I became part of the Inhouse Consulting team. Working in the Inhouse Consulting team there was very close interaction with my team colleagues. The different professional backgrounds and careers of our IC colleagues means that we have specialists in differing areas and as such always have a suitable contact person. Experience however has shown that we achieve the best results through teamwork across different areas of expertise. Therefore, a crucial part of my job involves acting as an interface between colleagues and topics in and between the subsidiaries and NWI. I have now found my place between the shopfloor, apps and IT applications in the Microsoft 365 universe, which I really enjoy in my day-to-day work. Most recently, I particularly enjoyed being able to support my colleagues in Brazil and the USA with my knowledge and skills in this area.
From NWI’s in-house consulting perspective, we see it as our task to support the subsidiaries on their path to service leadership in their respective industries. The focus here is on working together as partners and colleagues. In our understanding, our family approach differs explicitly from that of external consulting companies, which operate from a client-supplier relationship.
The NWI Group comprises an extensive, international network with expertise in a wide range of manufacturing technologies and industrial sectors. Varied work at different locations is therefore part of our daily business as an in-house consultant. Flat hierarchies and direct contact with management are part of this and certainly sets NWI apart from other groups.

„Improving our subsidiaries“
Rüdiger’s story
Senior Inhouse Consultant
This is the mission of my colleagues and myself at the NWI Group. In my many years as an in-house consultant and project manager for store floor management and flow production, I have been able to gather in-depth know-how and methodological expertise in the fields of occupational safety, REFA, 5S, SMED analyses, DLZ analyses with the help of key figure-based process analysis (KBPA), value stream analysis and the four disciplines of implementation method (4DX). I work closely with the managers of various subsidiaries within NWI to continuously develop the content and structure of the lean management philosophy. I first came into contact with lean management in the early 1990s at one of NWI’s subsidiaries.
In my role as production manager at the time, I was able to actively support our consultant at the end of the 90s/beginning of the 2000s and focus on the synchronous production system “SPS”. In doing so, I was shown many previously unknown perspectives. I was also made painfully aware again and again of the need to learn to “see”. It is not so easy to recognize waste due to habit and operational blindness. The eye needs to be trained. From 2005, I was given the opportunity to implement and support what I had learnt and developed in other subsidiaries within the NWI Group. I traveled a lot within Germany, but also outside and was able to gain further experience in companies with different business markets.
Continuous further training gave me the opportunity to study Stephen Covey’s 7 Ways to Effectiveness in depth. According to Covey, habits are the basic building block for a successful life. The constant repetition of processes leads to long-term success – and this is fundamental to developing trust in the shared goals of the investments and their employees.
I am proud and grateful to be part of this NWI team.